Winter Diagrams: December

Winter Diagrams: December, animated pen and ink drawings

Winter Diagrams: December, animated pen and ink drawings – 5 second gif clip

Winter Diagrams: December, animated pen and ink drawings.

Music by marcus fischer /

A Winter in Brooklyn.
2D Animations created with After Effects.


Winter Diagrams: December, animated pen and ink drawings.

Music by marcus fischer /


Mirena Rhee – Animated pen and ink drawings

Winter Diagrams: December
Winter Diagrams: January
Winter Diagrams: February
Hand Painted Ocean

This series of videos arose from the realization that during simple and mundane daily tasks the hands draw extraordinary three-dimensional shapes. As they move through space they create flowing, complex structures of hand trails – this body of work explores these ephemeral constructs. The work was also inspired by performer Rob List’s Two Hands Drawing piece and conversations with other artists, all in the span of one winter in New York.

Each video is created with one or several pen and ink drawings, scanned and animated on the computer. The red background is a Crimson Red Intaglio ink monotype on Fabriano papers, an Italian paper praised since the Renaissance, and the result of a search for red across various mediums. The background for Hand Painted Ocean is a completed pen and ink drawing of the same name, scanned into the computer.

These four animations follow the expansion in time and space of several hand drawings. They travel in a series of gestures, follow a think line and coalesce into three-dimensional structures which eventually dissipate. My own hands serve as the models and main building element of my work because they are present and available, constantly traversing and dominating my personal space.