Subway Grids – a calm in a maelstrom

New York Subway Grids

New York Subway Grids

The NYC Subway has always been a special place for me and I spent hundreds of hours in it contemplating work. It is chaotic and high energy place where i feel most at peace, waiting for a train or simply sitting on a bench thinking and drawing in my notebook. During long commutes I would plan a series of drawings or a whole installation and this was a most happy time. The subway is my most beloved co-working space where i always felt very productive as it is a place detached from the realities of daily life like errands, mail and working on the computer. It is a linear space, with a destination in the other end.

There is nothing in the world like the New York subway, it is a constant presence in my work as most of it has been in part conceived or partially drawn on the subway. I am currently working on an animation with pen and ink drawings that is about the subway and everything in it. I usually feel restless in my studio yet eerily calm on the subway and the new piece will be about that perfect calm in a maelstrom.

I always say that everything in my work starts with an image and these images prompted a series of new work called Ingredients of a Subway Car. A series of drawings, installations, 3D 360 simulations and real-time VR.

New York Subway Grids

New York Subway Grids

New York Subway Grids

New York Subway Grids

New York Subway Grids

New York Subway Grids

New York Subway Grids

New York Subway Grids