Month-long, site-specific installation in Beacon, NY, created illegally inside Dennings Point Ruins. Due to the fact that it was created in a State Park – I had to setup from scratch every morning and fold everything every evening, leaving no trace. Hence its ephemeral, and inherently mobile and shifting nature. I apologize to the state of New York for not applying for the permit they would have never given me anyway. That’s why I didn’t ask.
While hiking in the area I found the most beautiful space – abandoned brick factory which has been taken over by nature.
While passing by I only saw a brick wall, partially collapsed and had no idea the area just around the corner held this amazing environment.
I walked by, the place called me and I answered. It’s my magical forest sans the mushrooms. I was in love and spent much time here.
They call the place Dennings Point ruins, I found them much improved though, and much more beautiful. imagine the sheer mundanity of a brick factory building with all the brick making stuff in it. Now it has been beautifully rearranged by nature and you have the most lively soundscape too.
It was made so much more beautiful.
Art is about a punch to the stomach. I figured what the difference is between art and art, art gives you a punch so when the art is absent and the artist is absent you still hold the image in your head. You say ah!
If there’s no ah it is just making stuff, or being creative which is of course absolutely valid too it just isn’t all that interesting.
I loved being in this place, in the company of bushes, crickets, birds, wind, greenery, ruins, graffiti, and random humans.
To create a brand new visual experience, and fleeting.
I loved the sounds of the space as well, it’s like nature was pushing its way into the building but couldn’t take over and get all in.
Plus I had the local bullies come in and complain about the yuppies coming to their town, and to be honest I was scared but not terrified but my friend freaked out so i had to start folding. I will make sure to come alone next time because I do not care to “burn with my art” – this was the only time I have been threatened to be burned with something I created so I feel it was quite special.
And then the cops showed up, they were really nice.
On the other hand the local shuttle driver for the college took us to the bar up the hill completely free and out of the goodness of their heart which was great, and the bar was great too – I loved the food and the ambiance because there was nothing pretentious about it, and with great tasting beer.
Not affiliated by any stretch – but would love to be – Meyer’s Olde Dutch Food & Such.