Japanese Gardens: A Journey Into Zen

Japanese Gardens, A Journey into Zen, book by Mirena Rhee


Japanese Gardens: A Journey Into Zen

A Book about the Geometry of Calm with Photographs and Small Poems. Second Edition, entirely rewritten with my own poems. Available for the Kindle.

Here is a poem I wrote about the Second Edition:

Tranquil world of rocks, sand, trees, shrubs and moss. Little streams water the grounds. The colors are earthy and bright, no gusty winds dishevel the patterns. The wooden floors are swept clean. The mats lie still.

Landscape with peaceful shapes. It makes nice thoughts and asks deep questions. A design with no intent or angle. Whatever you bring you can take back. We don’t know who made it that way.

You can come back many times and find it just the same. Trees bend this way or that. Twigs flow here or there. Ponds flicker. Rocks ripple the sand a little.


It is now on Amazon:

Some Kind of Garden: A Journey Into Zen

Japanese Gardens: A Journey Into Zen

by Mirena Rhee

  Learn more  

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