How to make $100,000 as a Video Game Artist or 102 Art, Life and Games Lessons from a Former Star Wars Artist by Mirena Rhee. The book is now on Amazon



Why 102? – the book is not 101, and there are infinite numbers between 101 and 102…



Little girls dream of dolls, I dreamed of spaceships and aliens. I was a natural fit. I became a Star Wars artist.

The book is meant for all the underdogs, for all the weird kids and the misfits. The young and not so young adults who read strange books and ask odd questions. And who feel there’s nothing going for them, and that there’s no hope. They feel stuck and they feel rejected. But they have dreams and imagination.

I’m here to tell you there’s not only hope, but even your wildest dreams will become true and a lot more.

This book is meant to entertain and inspire. This book is for dreamers and misfits who like to do great things, and who want to live 500 years. This book is also for people who live in their heads, in science fiction books, in comets and black holes and video games.

This book will inspire you to do something in the world that not anyone else can do.

It is the anti 4-hours workweek book. It is very popular these days, and there are people proud of it, that they work 4-hour work weeks. Every cow chews for more than 4 hours a week. A woodpecker probably works more than 4 hours a week. Are you a woodpecker? Grown men want to sit by the pool. Toads sit by the pool. We are not toads. I don’t want to be a toad. I want to be the first performance artist on Mars. I have 50,000 years worth of projects in my notebooks.

By the time you finish the book – start thinking of the next 50,000 years of projects of your own. The video games, the paintings, the drawings, the art, the illustrations, the rockets you are gonna blow up in your backyard, the rovers on Jupiter that you wanna build, the space time you are gonna fold, who knows. Come up with your own job that you want to do in the world, don’t wait for someone.

I wrote the book to inspire anti-beach dreams, why would someone dream of a beach. You just get a.. ticket? Burn on your passions instead, on dreams, to create, to do. To learn and to inspire others in turn.

This is also the anti-life-hacking and anti-hackpreneur lifestyle book – man that looks bad even as a word. All the preneurs out there want to be by a beach. I was getting sick of seeing grown men sitting by pools, and sandy shores. Sand dunes are by the beach. I don’t want to be a sand dune. I wanted to give kids and young adults something else to aspire to rather than scheduling flights all over the place. Anyone can go anywhere these days – buying a plane ticket is not a profession. I want to inspire kids and young adults to come up with something of their own that they can do, and to dream of their life’s work, of great and amazing things to do rather than a lounge chair.