Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse Drawing

Exquisite Corpse - detail

Exquisite Corpse, 2010

Black and sepia Ink Drawing on Hot Pressed Board, 30×40 inches.

The Corpse gave me a chance to collaborate with a group of awesome artists and also address the subject of the body. I have dealt with the body a lot as a photographer and this was a very different experience. To me the question of what happens to the body and what is the body is as important as what is outside of it, part of the reason i dislike ruffled backgrounds is because the substance of what is around the thing is as important and material as the thing. I am also very interested in the contact – how is the body situated in what surrounds it, since it’s essentially the same matter, it’s just a trick that it’s invisible to the naked eye.Location: Part of a Absurdas Exquisite Corpse collaboration.